Our Achievements


Entice, mobilize, rally. Here are a few of the videos we’ve produced.



Driven by efficiency
Acting as the centrepiece of the newly realigned GIRO brand, this manifesto video was developed to convey the essence at the heart of the company: Driven by Efficiency. Our main goals were to create a strong impact and to mobilize employees and clients throughout the world. This video was produced as part of our agency’s mandate to completely realign the brand.



Eyes on the destination – We’re all about the journey
The video is the centrepiece of the digital unveiling of the OMZY brand – a SaaS application dedicated to enhancing the accounting capabilities of MS Business Central 365. The video was designed to position the brand, emphasize the product’s differentiating features, and showcase its relevance for professional service firms. It was produced as part of a comprehensive brand development campaign that included strategic development, digital platforms, and brand identity.



Edwin, your space ranger
In order to support R2i’s highly distinctive offer of a 100% Canadian, highly secure cloud, we defined, developed, and deployed Edwin – named in honour of Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin, the astronaut who inspired the creation of Buzz Lightyear! The video was produced with the goal of unveiling and positioning the brand for target customers. It was deployed as part of a campaign that included a mix of traditional and digital media.



Shine Through the Cloud
R2i believes that the era of digital transformation belongs to business and tech leaders. It’s truly their time to shine. This video supports the brand manifesto that was produced within a larger mandate that included realigning the brand and developing a digital strategy to raise awareness about the company and showcase R2i’s proprietary cloud and its related service offering.



Build on the future
Create buzz and excitement for the full potential and future ramifications of 2.0 Eclypse, a reinvention of the smart building system. This was the main goal of the video. We revamped the Eclypse brand identity and oversaw its launch. We also developed each digital component of the campaign. As the pillar of Eclypse’s launch, the video was also intended to become the centrepiece of the digital activities overseen by Zen in several countries, mainly in Europe and North America.



Découvrez de quelle eau on se chauffe
As part of our mandate to revamp the HydroSolution brand, we had to strengthen the employer side of the brand and mobilize its resources. We helped the company meet these objectives by showcasing how team members help customers on a daily basis and how they come together towards a common goal. This allowed us to highlight how each person has a role to play to help the brand deliver on its promise of ensuring peace of mind to clients.



Seriously Works
Jig-A-Loo has had tremendous success in the past but has been rather silent these past years. That’s why the company needed to revitalize its brand and reconnect with fans. Zen was mandated to carry out this task in an era of social media and online platforms. We kept the logo intact and carefully centred digital efforts around the brand pillars that have been at the core of this multipurpose lubricant’s success. With this in mind, we overhauled their creative platform and developed a national digital activation strategy. To this end, we developed various pieces of branded content and advertising videos.



Grandir, rayonner, prospérer
The City of Cowansville mandated us to highlight its key attractions and showcase the vibrant atmosphere that reigns in this beautiful area of the Eastern Townships. Our goal was also to ensure that the city is considered by entrepreneurs of the province as a welcoming place for both families and businesses.



Feel our inner fire
CDMV needed to elevate its reputation and image in Canada. Our strategy was to humanize the brand by putting employees at the core of our communications. This would mobilize them to reach objectives while emphasizing CDMV’s dedication to being an outstanding employer. We reworked the brand values, identified a digital strategy, and developed key branded content. This manifesto video acted as the pillar of the national campaign. And to ensure mobilization, employees throughout Canada took part in the video itself.